
Pinchas Ogrodnik #2

Do you remember Pinchas Ogrodnik, whose tombstone we found in Sterdyń? He was a young boy who got involved with the communist movement. He received communist leaflets from a stranger (he said that in the court, I don't know if it's true, probably not). Communism was a serious crime back then, as the Bolsheviks attacked Poland in 1920. The authorities feared treason. Pinchas was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

What is important - there were a few Poles and a few Jews in the group of suspects. It was NOT "Judeo-communism", as anti-Semites sometimes claim about communists.

In the personal questionnaire (written by a policeman) Pinachas stated in the education column "I can sign my name, but not much more". His parents were: Icko-Moszek and Chaja-Sura nee Nejer.

Pinchas spent 349 days in prison before he died (possibly from tuberculosis, but we have no confirmation of this). Officials noted that he still had 381 days to serve.

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