
Local history

10 years ago I visited an older gentleman in Sokołów who showed me a letter written a few decade ago. The letter was about oranges, the sun that shines somehow brighter than in Poland. It also said that "Szmulek and Grynszpan, who worked in the mill, have already gotten married, they do not live in Tel Aviv and we do not see them any more."

Then I "met" the author of this letter in the archives. I discussed the post-war efforts of this family to recover their property in Sokołów during the autumn research conference at the Jewish Historical Institute (I write about it in the article that I hope will be published in the conference book this fall).

And this week, at the ulpan of JCC Krakow, I have met a cousin of these  people. The author's daughter lives in Israel and - despite her age - is doing great.

I am writing that to say that everything is connected (and that - this is my old theory - everyone has something to do with Sokołów). And the fact that such things have a deep meaning proves that it is worth to take interest  in local history. Every time I manage to put together this type of historical puzzle, I am the happiest person in the world.

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