Sokolow Podlaski - a town without a past? (1998)
After 60 years, in a blue shining mercedes dad comes back to his old hometown, to the house he was born in, to the street he played in. He comes back to the grave of his little sister, Rachel.
Rachel Tzudiker was only 10 years old when she was killed by German air bomb on the street on her way to school. It was the first of September and Rachel, being a hard-working student, was walking gladly to school with her friend, who was also killed that day. The bomb hit an electricity column, which fell on both of them, leaving their school-bags and families alone and in grief.
Rachel Tzudiker-my fathers little sister with her 2 school friends |
Rachel was the youngest daughter of Moshe and Chaya-Gittel Tzudiker - my grandparents. She had black hair and blue eyes-like my father's. She had a smile like an angel. The whole family, together with their plenty of brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, lived in the same town of Sokolow Podlaski in the heart of Poland.
I will never know Rachel. I will neither know any of the dozens other family members my father grew up with. They were all humiliated and murdered in the death camps of Treblinka and Auschwitz. Some of them were writers, some of them doctors, artists, shoemakers, butchers. Most of them were tailors- a talent that ran in the family for generations.