
The last grave

The site of a mass grave in Sokolow. This monument’s inscription, “Ofiarom faszyzmu (to the victims of fascism) does tell the story of what occurred here. In 1943, after the ghetto was liquidated, 200 young Jews, between the ages 15 and 25, were kept behind to clean the ghetto after liquidation, and also for labour in the surrounding villages and farms. Later they were shot into the mass grave on this site. However, in early 1944, as Soviet troops pushed across the Polish border, the Germans began to destroy the evidence of their terror. According to witnesses, the bodies were exhumed and placed upon logs, on which they were burned. For two weeks, bones and decomposed flesh were turned into ash. This was the last tomb, the last grave.
2011.The monument in now in the garden of a  private house. There isn't information about victims, except in the memories of the town’s elderly.

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